Otherwise known as Haliaeetus leucocephalus, this eagle was photographed along the Nicola Valley, in the grasslands of British Columbia. There is an interesting story to go along with this image. We watched an eagle snag a fish from a small lake, but unfortunately for it, by only one claw. As the eagle climbed in flight, the fish, obviously, was squirming to get away. When the eagle was 50 meters or so in height, the fish finally squirmed loose, and with a bittersweet turn in the story, it fell the 50 meters to the ground. This story doesn't end here though. Prowling around on the ground was a coyote who saw the fish fall, ran a short distance to it, and had lunch.
[Nikon F4, 600mm, Fuji Provia]
A view of the Rocky Mountains of Alberta along the Icefields Parkway. The highway parallels the continental divide, traversing the rugged landscape of the Canadian Rockies. It is within Banff and Jasper National Parks, linking Lake Louise and Jasper. You pretty much can't go wrong on this highway if you love mountain scenery. I would rate it near the top, maybe even at the top, of my list for scenic road trips. The beauty here can be overwhelming and the possibilities are endless for making beautiful images. There really isn't a "must see" along the highway, it's all fantastic!
[Zone VI 4x5, Schneider 210mm, Kodak VPS]

These two images go back a bit more than a year ago when I visited New York City. Of course when one hasn't been there before, a visit to the Statue of Liberty is in order. Neither of these images were made from on the island, instead one from the southern tip of Manhattan Island, and the other from just under the Brooklyn Bridge looking towards New Jersey. Interestingly enough, you must go through likely the most rigorous security checks I have ever been through, in a couple of tents set up on Manhattan Island, before you can get on the small boats for the short ride to the Island. The statue arrived in New York City 122 years ago this month.
[Nikon D2Xs, Nikkor 18-200mm]
Zoom, zoom, zoom. Our skies are filled with airplanes. So many, in fact, that the contrails they leave behind are affecting our climate.
[Pentax Optio 750Z]
Another image that is almost hard to believe is made in colour, save for some quite subtle blues in the water and some greens and yellows on the moss. This is a good example of using a digital camera to discover what I am trying to convey to my viewer. I made quite a few images at different shutter speeds to see which would render the water the way I was seeing it. I'm sure you've seen many a waterfall or stream photo that looks like silk because of a very long exposure. In this case I decided the ripples were worth capturing to echo the many similar patterns in the ice. Waskasoo Ceek, Red Deer, Alberta
[Olympus SP350]
'Tis the season! We just haven't had any thunderstorms yet, but you know they are coming. One of my favourite things to do is chase after big thunderstorms. To see nature's raw power displayed in a big prairie thunderstorm is really an amazing experience and making an image that conveys this experience can be quite a challenge! These two images were both made last summer near Red Deer. This close image of lightning was made late in the afternoon just south of town. The lightning kept striking in virtually the same spot, next to field of canola, over and over, but my reaction time was just too slow, even though I had lots of caffeine from two or three coffees, and as it was still light out I couldn't simply leave the shutter open and wait for a strike as you can at night when a long exposure captures nothing until a strike lights up the neighbourhood. I had missed 6 or 7 strikes and was about to give up when I recalled a program on Discovery Channel about one of the NASA Space Shuttle missions that flew over the Amazon rain forest at night studying thunderstorm lightning patterns from a few hundred miles up. They discovered that a strike in one thunderstorm would trigger a chain reaction of lightning strikes through many storm clouds along a chain of storms stretching as far as 400km. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying the same as there was a second storm approximately 10 km north of the one I was watching that was quite active with lightning. So I kept my camera aimed at the spot where the strikes had been hitting but kept my eyes glued to the storm to the north. First strike I saw, I hit the shutter as quick as I could and WHAM!! I captured this image.
[Pentax OPTIO 43WR]

This storm was exactly what I have been hoping for for years! I wanted to capture the strike, sure, but I also wanted to show the clouds and it's movements using a long exposure. The strike was just to finish off the image. The only problem in finding the right storm to capture my idea was that I needed a storm that was quite a distance away, with nothing(rain, other clouds, etc) between myself and the storm, and with lightning coming out of the back of the storm. I also wanted the clear sky behind and above the storm and it had to be late enough in the day to allow the approximately 1-5 minute exposures I felt I would need to show the clouds movements. This storm showed up and I used up every frame of film in the camera bag!!
[Hasselblad 501CM, 50mm, Fuji Velvia 100F]
All images copyright Collin Orthner (c) 2007-2009 All Rights Reserved