Spring seeding in Lacombe County is now complete and the rain has started in earnest. Soon the small seedlings will spout in the always beautiful spring green! Can't you just smell the freshly turned soil? That is an all time favourite smell of mine. I recall living at Verdant Valley and just loved when each spring a local farmer would come to the country school yard and work the soil all along the windbreak. Then my brother Brad and I would get down to business building roads and bridges with our Tonka trucks and graders. What a blast! I think I could still play among the trees there so long as no one was watching a 43 year old playing with toy trucks.
[Canon 5D, Sigma 80-400mm OS)
"He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful."
Isaiah 30:23 (TNIV)